Weekly Teaching from the Bible

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The Limitations of Money

Many people think “If I can just get more money, my problems will go away.” “If I can just get some more money, things will be easier.” “If I can just get more money, I won’t have to worry anymore.” Money can buy you a bed, but it can’t buy you sleep. Money can buy you a quiet vacation, but it can’t buy you peace. Money can buy you medicine, but it can’t buy you health. Money can buy you amusements, but it can’t buy you joy. Money has limitations. My prayer is that we learn not to hold onto and grasp something which cannot save us. Money is great, it has a lot of benefits… But its limitations are so much greater. Money can’t buy you a Savior. – Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

The Kingdom without a King

Deep within every person is a longing for righteousness and justice. We want things in the world, at least our little corner of it, to be at peace. We want to eradicate human trafficking, racism, hunger, homelessness, abuse. We long for the day when all people can coexist in a world with no war, violence, murder or hatred. Where everyone is valued as an image-bearer of God and no one is marginalized. – Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Is God O.K. with Oppressing People

The principles inside the Bible are timeless and relevant for any Christ-follower at any point in history. But they were originally written to people who lived thousands of years ago across an ocean. Our instincts and understanding are completely different from the people the scriptures were written to. We can’t take a surface reading of the scriptures and then try to directly apply it because, while the scriptures are for us, they were not written TO us. – Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Christ Follower >>> American

Jesus intended His Kingdom to advance and grow through humility. Jesus intended His Kingdom to advance and grow through peace. Jesus intended His Kingdom to advance and grow through righteousness. And He determines what’s righteous and not us. There are those who see all the negative talk surrounding the idea of Christian Nationalism as persecution. “We’re suffering persecution for God and our country.” But this Christian Nationalism is not righteous, and this is not what Jesus was talking about when He spoke these words. – Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Does the Positive Outweigh the Negative?

Is Christianity Good? So the behaviors and moral values the bible calls a result of having the Holy Spirit in our life is a standard of ethical behavior and moral values for a completely secular entity. The bible has set a standard for human rights unlike any other belief system, entity, or organization ever. So even though there’s a lot of negative, there is so much positive. Christianity, as a religion isn’t perfect because people aren’t perfect. - Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Now is not the right time.

When I look back at all the times I have had to wait, I can see that God’s timing is the best timing and it’s always perfect. From waiting to get married, to when God fulfilled the promise of bringing us here. God has perfect timing; I have seen the hand of God provide the way in the middle of what often looked like a red sea, impossible to part. – Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Are You Also Going to Leave?

Now, am I saying it’s not a big deal when we go through difficult things? No, absolutely not. The things we go through in life matter and God is concerned for us. That’s why The apostle Peter tells us to cast our cares on Him… because He cares for us. But for true disciples, difficult things shouldn’t lead us away from God, because true disciples don’t have a “plan B”. Where else would we go? - Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

The Bread of Life

Jesus has been slowly revealing Himself as Messiah through performing miracles, His command of scripture, and His gift of prophecy. And then in John 5, Jesus is having a conversation with the Pharisees and He kicks it up a notch… He not only claims that He’s the Messiah, He makes the claim that He is God. And then after that we read about Jesus proving that no matter the situation, He will provide for His people. Jesus fed arguably close to 20,000 people with 7 loaves of bread and 2 fish. If there are still doubts that Jesus is who He says He is, the evidence is starting to mount. – Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

All in for the Target

I dream of a church that looks like and represents the community we serve. I dream of a church filled with black worshipers, white worshipers, Asian worshipers, Latino, Haitian, Brazilian, Hindi, Native American… I dream of a multi-ethnic church because I believe in a multi-ethnic heaven. I want our church to look like Heaven. - Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

All In - Heart for the House

Jesus isn’t going to send us out on mission all on our own. He is always with us. He will empower you to make disciples. He will empower you to teach and model what it means to follow Him. It's our mission to reach Milford for Jesus. This isn't replacing our current mission, Hope for all, but will be more of a local vision to help our very own community of Milford. - Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Following Jesus Made Simple

Finding Jesus is just the start, you have to follow Him. To do that you need to get in the Word, get into Praying, and get lost in Worship! - Pastor Jason Pilgrim

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

The Miracle of Patience

You’re not going to learn patience by academic endeavor. It’s not something you’re going to read about and learn from a book. You’re only going to be able to grow in patience when you begin to allow God to help you exercise that virtue, and you become more open to it. – Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

The Miracle of Trust

When your soul is stirred by who God is and you respond and do what He’s asking you to do, do you know what that’s called? That’s called Awakening. And my prayer as your pastor is that we would experience a great awakening in our relationships with the Lord. That we would not be apathetic to knowing what God wants for your life. That we would trust Him with the plans He has for our life. That’s my prayer for each and every one of you. – Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

The Miracle of Hope

Hope for salvation and hope for miracles are not in vain. God is still reaching and saving the lost. God is still working in miracles. - Pastor Ryan Coon

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

The Miracle of Favor

God wants you to experience His favor in your marriage. God wants you to experience His favor in your workplace. God wants you to experience His favor in traffic when everybody else is driving like an idiot. How do I please God in these areas of my life? How do I please God in my relationship with my kids? How do I please God with my interactions with people I don’t like? - Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

You Shall Not Covet

¹¹Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. ¹²I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. ¹³For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:11-13

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Do Not Bear False Witness

“Don’t lie, because you are not your old self anymore. You’ve been saved from the Kingdom of darkness and God is trying to change you into the image of His son.” He wants you to be like Him and he doesn’t lie… He rejoices in the truth. - Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

You Shall Not Steal

There is no need to steal when you learn to rely on God. - Pastor Jason

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

You Shall Not Commit Adultery

You have heard the commandment that says, ‘You must not commit adultery.’  ²⁸But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Jesus raises the standard. Just like the command not to murder, Jesus takes this command to not commit the act of adultery and He raises the standard and makes it all about??? The condition of our heart. And this is the standard all throughout the New Testament. - Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

You Shall Not Murder

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It doesn’t matter who it is or what the situation is… Hate has no place in our lives if we claim to follow Christ. God believes you can be like Him in this world… and He’s calling us to a higher standard. - Pastor Ryan Martinez

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