We can’t wait to meet you!
What to expect on Sunday morning
Singing - We love to sing together! Singing is a way we worship God with our whole self, express our hearts, and connect with each other.
Giving - We believe generosity cultivate gratitude. God has blessed us so that we can be a blessing. So, each week we have an opportunity to give financially to support the mission of Anchor Church.
Teaching - The Bible is important to us. Not just as a book, but as a way God continues to teach us today. All of our teaching aims to help us understand what the Bible says and how we can live it out.
Communion - Jesus loved to share meals with people. It was a sign of friendship. He told us to share this special meal of bread and the cup as a way of remembering him, looking forward to his future return, and to remind us of the kind of people he wants us to be.
Sending - When Sunday ends, it's just the beginning! Every week we close our time by being "sent" into the world to make a difference.
Oh, and there's always plenty of free coffee!
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! Jesus loved kids and so do we. We have a safe, exciting, & age-appropriate "kids church" for children from age 2 to 5th grade. Learn more about "Anchor Kids" here. If you prefer to have your children stay with you, that's ok too.
Nope! Come as you are.
We are a community of hope for all people - wherever you are on your journey. Come hang out with us and explore the faith.
Sunday gatherings last for about an hour and 15 minutes. Although, you might want to just hang out a bit afterward!
Welcome to Anchor Church!
Join our mission to Know God and make Him known!