Next Steps
We want to help you grow in your life with God. If you're ready to take your next step to growing and getting connected with us, here's what we suggest.
1. Connect with Us
Anchor Church exists to bring the hope of Jesus to people one life, one story at a time. As a church, we use the information provided in Connect Card to see people far from God enter into a relationship with, and follow God one next step at a time..
2. Growth Track
Growth Track is designed to guide church attendees through a journey of deeper engagement with Anchor Church. This class will help individuals learn about the church’s mission, vision, and core beliefs, while providing an opportunity for attendees to become official members.
3. Join a Group
Connecting with a small, home group is a great way to get to know people and feel a part of the Anchor family. View our Home Groups page to see what groups are currently available or select the button below to register or select the button below to sign-up for a group now.
4. Join a Team
Another great way to get connected is to use your gifts to serve alongside other people. View our Serving on Teams page to learn about the Anchor teams where you can get involved in serving. You can also select the button below to sign-up for a team now.
5. Become a Disciple
If you have recently taken a step of faith and decided to follow Jesus, let us know! We have a free resource we'd like to give you that will help you get started. If you still have questions about following Jesus, we'd love grab a cup of coffee with you and chat. Please contact us to set up a meeting
6. Get Baptized
Being baptized in water is one of the first ways we tell the world that we have decided to follow Jesus. Contact us to sign up for our next water baptism service. In addition to water baptism, the Bible also talks about Spirit Baptism. We'd love to talk with you about this experience personally, so please contact us to set up a meeting
7. Establish a foundation
We have several great resources to help you learn the basics of what being a Christian means and what Christianity teaches. And, they're free! Just visit our Welcome table on Sunday's or visit what is available under our Resources tab in the top menu