When Grace Met Truth

If you want to know what Jesus meant when Jesus said “Love one another” watch how Jesus loved. There it is. Grace and Truth and that’s messy. It’s inconsistent. It’s unfair. It’s confusing. But it’s life-giving and it points to our Heavenly Father. This is difficult and we just don’t know what to do with the tension sometimes but we dare not let go of either. Because the church is to be the dispenser of both. So let’s be a church of Grace, let’s be a church of truth, and let’s pray that God will continue to help us manage the tension of this so that every person from every walk of life will know the Glory of God. Remember God says “You have sinned! And I have paid for it. And I don’t condemn you… and I love you. And if you can’t see this by reading words on a page, you’ll be able to see it when you look at my bride… The Church.” - Pastor Ryan Martinez


The Stumbling Block Principle


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