Weekly Teaching from the Bible

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Welcoming Jesus - Palm Sunday

Jesus makes what many people call his Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. Greeted by people shouting praises and recognizing his Kingship. This Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem on a young colt was a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy found in Zechariah 9:9 His triumphal entry into Jerusalem riding a donkey was also foreshadowing his death 5 days later. See, in Genesis the story of Abraham being asked by God to sacrifice his son Isaac, as they are making their journey up the mountain for Abraham to sacrifice Isaac,(the sacrifice) was riding a… donkey

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Beyond Your Means - Part 2

“Remember this—a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop. You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” - 2 Corinthians 9:6

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Beyond Your Means - Part 1

God's not after your money, God is after your heart. I’m not interested in you giving more and more, I’m interested in you being obedient to the one you call “Lord”. Again, this is not about what I want from you… This is 100% about what I want for you. - Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Response to Urgency

So the Apostle Paul spent the first 11 chapters of Romans laying out the doctrinal foundation of our faith. Righteousness comes by faith and faith alone from start to finish, humanity is trapped in a downward spiral of sin and wickedness, Justification, sanctification, we are loved by God beyond measure, the law is good, Mercy,
- Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

All Authority Comes from God

If we’re going to follow Jesus, it’s about learning how to make peace with others and surrender to Gods will our first response. What if we knew more about peace than politics? What if we prayed before we posted? - Pastor Adam Erwin

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

The Transformed Life

Paul makes it clear that a life that has been offered to God as a living sacrifice should be a life that serves other people. Not just through your job… My job is serving people… Nope, that’s not what he’s talking about. Not just Sundays at church… Don’t get me wrong, when you serve here, it’s valuable… but not just here. No, but every moment of every day should be viewed through the lens of service. - Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

The Mystery of Mercy

Through prayer, God’s Word, and the Holy Spirit living inside of us, each day brings fresh new mercy. This is another reason Spiritual Disciplines are so very important. Every morning, God is faithful, even though every day, we fall short. Mercy is God’s gift to the repentant heart and what we do in response to God’s mercy sends an important message to the people in our lives. The book of James is very clear that though deeds are not required to earn God’s favor, or to be a Christ-follower, a repentant heart that loves God will surely be evident by the lives we live. - Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Scripture: The Life You’ve Always Wanted

How can we be successful in this life if we’re not growing in our faith? And how can we grow in our faith if we aren’t keeping his decrees and commands? And how can we keep his decrees and commands if we don’t know His Word? Knowing the Word of God is vital to our success as Christ-followers. And I’m not talking about knowing other people’s thoughts and interpretations of His Word. We have to engage it for ourselves.

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Worship: The Life You’ve Always Wanted

Jesus said, on His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the colt, “rocks will cry out in worship” if we don’t. A primary purpose of Worship is to keep us in the Father’s presence, or you could say, to keep us aware/sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. To gain greater access and intimacy and to connect with Him, I’m going to talk Him from my heart! - Pastor Dan Stauffer

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Prayer: The Life You’ve Always Wanted

What if prayer wasn’t just something we suffered through? What if prayer could be something we looked forward to because we understand we’re not checking off a task on a spiritual to-do list, but we’re meeting with the creator God of the Universe and we’re developing relationship with him. - Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Make God Known

2023 is here! And with a new year comes a new emphasis! We are kicking off 2023 with our “Heart for the House” series. Heart for the House is a two week series examining our focus, as a church, for the next year. This year, we’re focusing in on and diving deeper into our mission at Anchor: to “Know God and Make Him Known”. Here at Anchor, we believe the mission to “Know God and Make Him Known” lead us into our vision of “Hope for All”. During week 2 we’ll talk about what it takes to “Make Him Known” so join us as we break down and unpack Anchor Church’s “mission at hand”. - Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Know God

Everything is worthless when compared to the infinite value of knowing Jesus… He’s after your heart, and He wants to give you His. It doesn’t matter what you have to offer Him if you haven’t given him your heart first. - Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

New Beginnings

Have you ever made a New Year’s Resolution? I think we all have in some form or fashion because with the beginning of a new year, we would like to have a fresh start with most everything else, as well. Unfortunately, most New Year’s Resolutions fade fast and we’re right back where we started and frustrated by it. The same thing can happen with our faith, but it doesn’t have too. Join us this New Year’s Day to hear about New Beginnings in Christ.

Have you ever made a New Year’s Resolution? I think we all have in some form or fashion because with the beginning of a new year, we would like to have a fresh start with most everything else, as well. Unfortunately, most New Year’s Resolutions fade fast and we’re right back where we started and frustrated by it. The same thing can happen with our faith, but it doesn’t have too. Join us this New Year’s Day to hear about New Beginnings in Christ. - Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

The Candle of the Lord

Advent is a time of preparation for the birth of Christ. Join us as we light each of the Advent candles one week at a time and dive into their meaning to help prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ. Because Jesus, the light of the world, was born to free us from the Kingdom of Darkness, and he adopted us as his children into his Kingdom, we now get to join the family business. Bringing hope to everyone we can. Loving people unconditionally. Being gracious and compassionate. We get the divine privilege of being the light of the World. Jesus goes on to say in Matthew 5. Pastor Ryan Martinez

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Advent at Anchor: Joy

The truth about Joy that we find in the Word of God are that Joy is an Invaluable Gift from God that radiates to others, Trusting God brings Undeniable Joy and Peace, and Lasting Joy is possible when we follow God’s truths.

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Advent at Anchor: Love

Even non-christians understand this at this time of year, right? What’s the catchphrase that’s always thrown out at this time of year? “It’s better to give than to receive”. As we saw in John 3:16 a few minutes ago, the way God expressed His love was by giving. One of the ways we express love at Christmas is by giving. And when we’re all giving, and giving, and giving… Love spreads across the world.

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Advent at Anchor: Peace

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. John 14:27 (NLT)

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

Advent at Anchor: Hope

Advent is a time of preparation for the birth of Christ. God wants the best possible life for us, and hope doesn’t have to end just because the Christmas season does. The hope of Jesus gives us hope to our past, for our present, and for our future.

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Anchor Tech Administrator Anchor Tech Administrator

A Cautionary Tale

A cautionary tale is defined as a tale told in folklore to warn its listener of a danger. Basically, it's a story of something going wrong, a story of what not to do as a warning. The Good News is that salvation comes by faith and faith alone, from start to finish. But just because we put our faith and trust in God at some point, doesn’t mean we are eternally secure. We have to put our faith and trust in God daily because, according to this passage, salvation is conditional. Our trust has to remain in him.

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