Weekly Teaching from the Bible
Honor Your Father and Mother
Ultimately, honoring our parents reflects Christ’s love. It strengthens family bonds, it can help mend broken relationships, and it can help us grow in our faith. - Pastor Ryan Martinez
Remember the Sabbath
This is the only commandment I can think of that is completely disregarded by most Christians today. The idea of taking a day off of our normal work is insane in a culture where we’re taught to grind 24/7. “If you’re not producing, you’re not worth much” is how we’re conditioned to think. And God is saying “No matter how much you grind and produce, you’re not the one who makes this go… I am. I run this.” - Pastor Ryan Martinez
Don’t Take the Lord’s Name in Vain
“Don’t Take the name of the Lord in vain” and God is saying if you’re my people, you will not do this! What does it mean? Don’t carry the name of the Lord lightly. Don’t say you follow God and then not live like it. Why did God say it? Once again, so that His people would stand out in the world and to teach us that allegiance to God is different than anything else. And how does it apply? Showing your faith and trust in the Lord by your good works. - Pastor Ryan Martinez
No Idols of Any Kind
Today, we’re examining Commandment #2. You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind. Remember, the first commandment is “You shall have no other gods before me.” or “You shall have no other gods anywhere, ever.” Like I said last week, Commandment #1 is the basis for a relationship with God. He’s jealous FOR our affections and He wants us to be different from the rest of the world. - Pastor Ryan Martinez
No gods before Me
God wants his people to reflect Him to the rest of the world. And what better way to have His people stand out than have them live in a revolutionary way. “You shall have no other gods before me.” - Pastor Ryan Martinez
Don’t Be Afraid
Jesus never changes, is always the same, and He revealed Himself to His disciples in scripture… He wants to reveal Himself now that He is here and not to be afraid. Are we looking for the moments in our everyday life that God is using to show us who He is and that He is with us? – Pastor Ryan Martinez
Nothing is Wasted
Jesus took a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish and turned it into a miracle that met the needs of thousands! And all that happened was a little boy brought the little bit that He had and offered it to Jesus. And Jesus took that multiplied that in a miraculous way. And He wants to do that for us. He wants to do that for you. What do you have to offer? It does not matter how little you have to give; Jesus can use all of it and let nothing go to waste. - Pastor Ryan Martinez
Words Every Christian Should Know: Shalom
God’s purpose was that we would seek him and find him because only He can satisfy. He created us to need Him, and we have Shalom when we find Him. Romans5:1-¹Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.” Because of Jesus, we have peace with God, we have completeness through relationship with God, because of Jesus. - Pastor Ryan Martinez
Words Every Christian Should Know - Yāḏaʿ
The aspects of KNOWING are Speaking. Making yourself known. Listening. Making a conscious effort to understand what you’re hearing from God. And Doing. Physical activity to help cement your knowledge of God. – Pastor Ryan Martinez
Words Every Christian Should Know: Breath
If you are a Christ-follower, you have the breath of God in you. His Spirit is inside of you, right now. You are now a part of the New Creation. The Presence of God is with you wherever you go. When your faith and trust is in Him, there’s not a single place on earth His breath, His Spirit can’t go. - Pastor Ryan Martinez
Words Every Christian Should Know: Love
“God's love is described as the Greek word agapao, which means unconditional love, preferential love that is chosen and acted out by the will. It is not love based on the goodness of the beloved, or upon natural affinity or emotion. Rather this is benevolent love that always seeks the good of the beloved.” - Pastor Jason Pilgrim
Fables: The Boy Who Cried Wolf
The crowd will easily tune out cries for help, but Jesus wants us to listen and respond with compassion. - Pastor Jay Newland
Fables: The Lion’s Share
God is the Lion of Judah and He gets the glory and spoils of the work. We share in God’s work to advance the kingdom of Heaven and to glorify God. We do so with the attitude of gratitude because of what He has already done for us. He died on the cross for our sin, defeated death and sin, and reconciled our relationship with God. – Pastor Brandon Payne
Fables: The Ass and His Master
When contentment is an issue for us we should double, triple, quadruple down on our gratitude and thankfulness to God. Thankfulness & Gratitude is the key to contentment and God supernatural peace. - Pastor Curtis Jones
Fables: Belling the Cat
It is one thing to say you want God to intervene and direct your life, but quite different when it requires obedience. God is always positioning to work on more than just the problem you see. - Pastor Craig Johnson
InFALLible - Pursuit of Gods Grace
In this message, we’ll explore the theme of human fallibility by diving into the Biblical story of King David. His transgressions illustrate that even the most faithful and revered figures are not immune to sin and failure. By acknowledging our shortcomings and seeking forgiveness, we can rise again, strengthened by God’s unwavering love and mercy. Through reflection, repentance, and renewal, we find that true infallibility lies in our persistent pursuit of God’s grace - Pastor Ryan Martinez
How Will You Believe What I Say?
Have you ever gotten a good look in the mirror. A real, honest assessment of where you stand when it comes to truly trusting God in your life. And don’t get me wrong… being honest with ourselves can be one of the most difficult things to do… But we must be honest with ourselves to know where we truly stand with Him. The good thing though, is we can do this by the power of the Holy Spirit living inside of you. He is the Advocate who helps us when we can’t help ourselves. Lean on Him. Rely on Him. Trust Him. And He won’t steer you wrong. - Pastor Ryan Martinez
A Time is Coming
What we’re missing is not believing in the fact that Jesus is the Son of God but delighting in that fact, embracing that fact, and making Christ the treasure and the Lord of your life by surrendering to him. In other words, "belief" is seeing him for who he really is, seeing him as infinitely valuable as the Son of God. It's not just acknowledging the fact that he is the Son but also seeing him as infinitely precious and valuable. But when the Holy Spirit begins to work in our lives we're not deceived like that anymore. We recognize that our value is nothing compared to Jesus' value. Instead, we just want to know him, be with him, enjoy him, follow him, and celebrate him. That transition—that change of heart, so that we are now looking away from ourselves to Christ and embracing all that God is for us in him—that is what faith is. That is what belief is. That is what saves. - Pastor Ryan Martinez
Would You Like to Get Healed?
What does a Messiah do? How does a Messiah act? What does a Messiah care about? And that’s what I want to dive into today. There are so many characteristics of the Messiah that we have to learn and understand, but today, I want to look at 3 Characteristics of the Messiah today in order to understand Him better and to better understand what He wants for us. - Pastor Ryan Martinez
Will You Never Believe In Me?
Could you imagine living a life with God where you don’t have to wind yourself up to some arbitrary level of faith… That whatever faith you have right now, God can work with? And as you continue to bring what you have to the Lord, HE will grow it. Bring what you have, no matter how much or how little, and He will use it to His Glory. Your Testimony Matters. Your Level of Faith Doesn’t Matter. These are 2 principles vital to our growth as disciples of Jesus. - Pastor Ryan Martinez